The Whitsundays are the most stunning islands/beaches I’ve ever seen. The sand is so fine, you can polish your jewellery in it. It is 99.89% pure silica. Whitehaven beach is so beautiful it feels surreal.
Our group took an Ocean Rafting boat out to the islands – where only the boats with special eco permits are allowed to dock. It was a wild ride as our hyper-energized tour guides pulled 360s and drove straight for cliffs and then turned at the last second. It was scary since a storm was coming in and the waves were so huge, but a really great time.
We managed to get some photos taken just before it poured rain. We ate our lunch on the sand and then put on stinger-suits to go in the water (as protection from jellyfish) and played with a football in the pouring rain.
After a while we were taken to a few other islands and went snorkeling. Saw a tuna, maori wrasse and dozens of smaller fish. Admittedly the tuna kinda freaked me out. It’s big. And quick.
As a tribute to the winter weather back in Canada, I made Sandy the Sandman, who wore a tie and carried a surfboard!