Route: Mont-Tremblant, QC -> Toronto, ON
Mont Tremblant is so beautiful in the Fall!
So we decide to take the gondola to the top of the village. I’m afraid of heights, but I figure, how bad can it be? I was underestimating how high it was for SURE. Turns out you stand on a grate, so you can see through (not a fan) then it goes up, up and up… The “door” is not really more than a piece of metal that sort of blocks it. I was freaking out on the way up.
Me to G: “I DON’T LIKE IT. ”
G: “you don’t have a choice now, we’re in the air”
Me: ” I don’t like it”
G: “I know…”
He thought it was pretty funny. We walked around looking for a place to eat and decided on a place at the top. Being the genius I am I decided to overcome my fear, so back on we went. I knew what to expect this time so I felt better. Just finished saying so when we were in the middle, and… It stops. We were stuck for only a few minutes, but I immediately thought, “overcoming fears is overrated!”